Food Presentation Tips - How To Make Your Meals Look Marvellous

Sep 19, 2023

Are you a talented amateur chef? If you enjoy getting creative in the kitchen and impressing your friends and family with extraordinary culinary delights, you're likely on a continuous journey of improvement. While you may have mastered the art of balancing flavours to perfection, have you given much thought to your presentation? After all, we eat with our eyes. If you struggle to make your meals look as good as they taste, consider the following helpful tips. 

Food Arrangement

The way in which you arrange your culinary creations on the plate can vastly alter the dining experience. For instance, you could experiment with a fine dining-inspired aesthetic by stacking the different components of a dish, creating height and visual interest. This technique works well with dishes with multiple distinct elements, such as caprese salads, parfaits, or ratatouille. Additionally, don't feel confined to arranging items symmetrically. Asymmetrical arrangements can create a more dynamic and modern look. Moreover, leaving negative space around the elements allows them to stand out as they would in a haute cuisine restaurant. 


A well-placed garnish can make all the difference, transforming an otherwise bland-looking dish into something spectacular. However, garnishes can be much more than a simple sprig of parsley. While fresh herbs like basil, coriander, parsley, mint, and chives can add a touch of colour and fragrance to a finished dish, you can also experiment with other garnishes, such as uber-healthy microgreens, attractive edible flowers and crunchy toasted nuts. You could also whip up a flavoured oil and drizzle it enticingly around the plate, creating a beautiful garnish with an added boost of flavour.

Varied Textures And Colours

Adding a variety of textures and colours to your dish can transform it from a simple meal into a stunning, multi-sensory experience. Think about the different textures in your dish; for example, if all of the textures are relatively smooth and creamy (perhaps a soup or cream-based pasta dish), consider adding elements that mix things up a bit, such as crunchy croutons or crispy fried onions.

In terms of colour, understanding the colour wheel can help you create visually harmonious dishes. For example, complementary colours can be paired to create striking contrasts, such as adding fresh basil leaves to tomato bruschetta. 

Setting The Table

Setting the table is one of the most important aspects of providing a visually stunning dining experience with keen attention to detail. The table setting is the first thing guests see when they sit down to dine, and a well-set table immediately sets the tone for the meal. Arrange the dining essentials, including the plates, cutlery and glassware, in a neat and appropriate manner. Furthermore, centrepieces, such as flowers, candles or a crystal wine decanter for your Château Margaux wine, can add a touch of elegance.

Use Piping Bags

Spooning mashed and pureed food straight onto the plate will do your presentation no favours. However, it is possible to make a mound of mashed potatoes look like a masterpiece. For example, you could learn how to quenelle, whereby you use two spoons to form a smooth, egg-like shape. Alternatively, you could use a piping bag for extra precision, resulting in a polished and professional appearance. 

Wipe Away Mess

When plating up, you're bound to get a little messy occasionally. Every professional chef keeps a clean napkin or paper towel handy to wipe up any stray drops of sauce or jus. When the plate is clean and free from distractions, not only does it show care and attention to detail, but the focus remains solely on the dish you've prepared, allowing the food to take centre stage. 

Experiment And Learn

As explained in this article, food presentation is a form of art. As is the case with any art form or skill, you won't become an expert overnight. While you may be frustrated with your food presentation prowess, don't be disheartened - Michelin-star chefs may make it look easy, but they have all had years of experience and intensive training - experiment with presenting your dishes in different ways using various techniques and methods. Over time, making your meals look marvellous will become second nature, so stick to it and have fun. 

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